Many Times, The Rise Comes AFTER The

Posted by: anthony
Category: Keeping it Real

Sometimes, YOU HAVE TO FALL (in your foolishness) BEFORE YOU RISE (to be great). Have you ever heard a (recovering) addict, an alcoholic or a gambler tell you that before they got clean and achieved, they fell; lost a lot if not everything?

Have you ever heard a homeless person tell you that once upon a time, they were living high on the hog and lost it all with one stupid mistake (or a few bad decisions)? Everything they had, gone; everyone they loved, walked away.

Now, you see those same people and they look like they have it all together but you didn’t know their whole story. Sometimes, God will let you fall to GET YOUR ATTENTION, to make you realize that you are going in the wrong direction, to SHOW YOU that you are throwing your life away.

God DOES NOT abandon us BUT He will take His hand away long enough for us to WAKE UP. We all know the story of the Prodigal Son and we also know what his father did when he came back home. His father embraced him. Welcomed his son BACK HOME.

God does that for us, welcomes us when we admit that we need HIM (surrender to HIM). We bring our damaged selves to Him and He repairs us. Makes us new, makes us better. Isn’t that the God we want to serve? The One who saves us from our messed up selves? Just keeping it real.