Forgiveness Sets You Free

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Forgiveness Sets You Free

Posted by: anthony
Category: Keeping it Real

When my mother established her ministry- Lord of Life Ministries, one of the things she devoted her studies to was Forgiveness vs Unforgiveness. She wrote so many papers on the subject and now, I know why.

When my mother passed, I became more aware of my own lack of longevity. I did a serious assessment and decided that the saying, “LIFE IS TOO SHORT” is not just a cliché. It’s a fact. No matter how many years you or I have (left),life really is too short to hold grudges, to be unforgiving or to have malice in our hearts. 

Do you have any idea how sick you can become by holding bitterness in your heart? To stay in a state of anger and unrest over something someone did is physically, mentally and SPIRATUALLY unhealthy.

Yes, there have been disagreements between me and my friends from time to time but REAL FRIENDS can mend differences. We can get past them. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me;” can have far more value than pride. What is pride worth, if you lose a friend? Real friends know that the words “I’m sorry” have great impact and value. When spoken with humility and sincerity, mountains of hurt and anger fall. If I value you as a friend, I make sure I say them when I need to.